This emoji, created by Nicole Gomez, is a representation a person exhausted from too many hours playing video games.
During the 80s, household consoles began to fill American houses. Kids would race home to play Space Invaders or later games such as Duck Hunt. The fact is, kids became Gamers. As the years passed by, each generation's amount of gamers increased and so did the sophistication of games. Games that previously held a couple hours of playtime before increased bordom struck, became riviting, story-filled games that held days of endless play. The lives of Gamers became enveloped in following or completeing the next game.
I personally identify with this emoji- becuase as a person who plays video games, my sleep schedule is almost non-existant. In between classes and work any free time is given to the next level of the games instead of sleeping or resting. Thus the increased number of eyebags and darkcircles is seen, not only on me but on the entire population.
Thus as many people are part of the gaming community, I beleive that people will relate to this emoji in its state of gaming exhaustion. (The emoji is also genderless which allows for more inclusivity for the emoji audience).